Past Performances

11. 28. 2019 | 11am
Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service
Princeton University Chapel
Princeton, NJ

12. 1. 2019 | 5pm
"How Great Our Joy!"
Christmas Concert
Princeton United Methodist Church
Princeton, NJ

6. 15. 2019 | 7:30pm
Concert with "One Voice Choir"
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
155 Linwood Ave
Ridgewood, NJ 07450

10. 27. 2018 | 5pm
Benefit Concert
Esperanza for Puerto Rico
with Neumann University Concert Chorale
& Princeton United Methodist Chancel Choir
Princeton United Methodist Church
Princeton, NJ

12. 13. 2017 | 2:30pm
Christmas concert at The Gables
996 Alexander Rd
Princeton Junction, NJ 
6. 6. 2018 | 1pm
Handbell Concert with St. Jerome handbell choirs
St. Jerome Catholich Church
West Long Branch, NJ

5. 6. 2018 | 7:30pm
Gospel! Gosbell!
Princeton United Methodist Church
7 Vendeventer Ave
Princeton, NJ

4. 13. 2018 | 1pm 
Princeton Area Newcomers' and Friends' Club
59 Paul Robeson Pl in the Princeton YWCA All Purpose Room
Princeton, NJ

12. 3. 2017 | 5pm
Christmas Concert
Princeton United Methodist Church
7 Vandeventer Ave
Princeton, NJ 

11. 23. 2017 | 11am
Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service
Princeton University Chapel
Princeton, NJ 

11. 11. 2017 | 11am  
Holiday Handbell Festival
Cherry Hill Mall
Cherry Hill, NJ 

11. 11. 2017 | 2pm
The Gables at West Windsor
996 Alexander Rd
Princeton Junction, NJ 

5. 21. 2017 | 4pm
Ring with Duo Grazioso
Hillsborough Reformed Church
1 Amwell Road
Hillsborough, NJ 

12. 4. 2016 | 5pm
The Sound of Christmas
with Princeton UMC Handbell Choir and Ensemble
Princeton United Methodist Church
Princeton, NJ

6. 29. 2016 | 7pm
Solo Handbell Recital
Bristol Chapel
Westminster Choir College
Princeton, NJ

6. 9. 2016 | 1pm
Annual Handbell Concert
with Saint Jerome Handbell Choir
St. Jerome Catholic Church
West Long Branch, NJ

11. 26. 2015 | 11am
Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service
Princeton University Chapel
Princeton, NJ 

10. 18. 2015 | 4pm
Hillsborough Reformed Church
1 Amwell Road
Hillsborough, NJ

10. 1. 2015 | 6:30pm
Pine Run Community
777 Ferry Road, Doylestown, PA 

6. 7. 2015 | 4PM
Handbell Concert
Princeton United Methodist Church
7 Vandeventer Ave
Princeton, NJ

5. 9. 2015
Westminster Concert Bell Choir Spring Concert
Westminster Choir College of Rider University
Princeton, NJ

5. 10. 2015
Church Building Dedication Service

Hope Presbyterian Church
451 Grand Ave 
Palisades, NJ

3. 7. 2015
2nd Annual Kips Bay Choral Festival 
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
New York, NY

1. 25. 2015
Concert Series 2014 - 2015
Be Curious
Hillsborough Reformed Church at Millstone
Hillsborough, NJ

1. 23. 2015
Church Music Exchange
Westminster Choir College of Rider University
Princeton, NJ

7. 16. 2014
Handbell National Seminar
Atlanta, GA

5. 18. 2014
Riverblindness Benefit Concert 
Hillsborough Reformed Church
1 Amwell Road
Hillsborough, NJ

6. 12. 2014
Annual Handbell Concert
St. Jerome Catholic School
West Long Branch, NJ

5. 18. 2014
Riverblindness Benefit Concert 
Hillsborough Reformed Church
1 Amwell Road
Hillsborough, NJ

9. 30. 2012
Solo Handbell Recital 
The Cathedral Arts Series at Trinity
Trinity Cathedral
801 West State Street
Trenton, NJ

6.9. 2012

Riverblindness Benefit Concert
Hillsborough Reformed Church at Millstone 
Hillsborough, NJ 

5.24. 2012
Spring Concert
St. Jerome Catholic School
West Long Branch, NJ

5. 20. 2012
Handbell Solo Recital
Embury UMC 
Little Silver, NJ 

5. 19. 2012
UrbanPromise Benefit Dinner
Thompson Memorial Presbyterian Church
New Hope, PA 

2. 21. 2011
Solo Handbell Recital
Noontime Recital Series
Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
Princeton, NJ

6. 3. 2011
Spring Concert
St Jerome Catholic Church
West Long Branch, NJ

6. 23. 2010
Solo Handbell Concert
Westminster Choir College of Rider University
Summer Concert Series
Princeton, NJ

5. 15. 2010
Riverblindness Benefit Concert
Princeton United Methodist Church
Princeton, NJ

3. 14. 2010
Riverblindness Benefit Concert
St. Paul Lutheran Church
East Windsor, NJ

4. 27. 2008
Handbell Solo Recital
Hillsborough Reformed Church 
Hillsborough, NJ  

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